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handmade ghost

Sometimes the world lets you have a little flirty #quorb, as a treat.

Close photo of an almost unbelievably round, plumped up quail standing in damp, leafy grass, facing the camera and cocking eir head coquettishly to eir left. Eir chickenlike feet are posed demurely together in ballet's first position, and they reach up like a little stand on which rests the full globe-y glory of body of the quail, which is a wonderful slatey grey with a sort of basket of gold scales about midway down, as though the beautifully plump fruit of em has been nestled in one of those soft foam nets that Asian pears rest in in the grocery stores here. Eir brown wings are tucked with epic aplomb behind em, and e is looking at us out of eir flirty eye, which rests under eir bushy bronze unibrow set in the gorgeous glossy black of eir face, thin, white racing stripes demarcating a circle that wraps under eir chin and makes a band over eir eyebrow. Above this little sporty sweatband, the crowning glory of the quail puffs up: a short brown pompadour with a lick of arcing plumage that swoops up and over like the short feathery lantern of a lanternfish, only made of shadows. Eir coy look is a absolute invitation to adore em.
@handmade_ghost thank you evolution for creating this creature
Alex Haist

@handmade_ghost @stephanie the perfect roundness and then the tiny head feather tuft. A kind of perfection.


@handmade_ghost do they always look so rotund? 😍

handmade ghost

@megsouth This one is all orb'd up because it is very cold here this morning. In warmer weather, they look slender and teardrop-shaped.

@handmade_ghost @megsouth yeas in warm weather they look more bird shaped

@handmade_ghost πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

handmade ghost

@loren "Ask not for whom the quorb flirts; e flirts for thee."

handmade ghost

@wurzelmann I think maybe all the quorb in my backyard are having a party to see who can be the quorbest! πŸ₯Ή


@handmade_ghost I love it! Thanks for sharing, these cuties always make me laugh out in complete disbelief and amazement! πŸ₯°

handmade ghost

@wurzelmann I'm so glad! They are such a source of winter joy for me here. πŸ₯°


@handmade_ghost Oh I would absolutely explode from delight if I had those little round cuties in my backyard! 😍

Dan McCullough

@handmade_ghost This flirty quorb is Qwerty. And I won’t accept any other names. πŸ˜„

Moss Wizard

@danmccullough @handmade_ghost They should keep an eye out for the quick brown fox!

handmade ghost

@danmccullough Now absolutely dying for a new Qwerty keyboard so I can type up all the quorb memoirs.

handmade ghost

@_maleficentgirl First the ball, then the world. We can now all be part of planet quorb. πŸ˜‚

Sam Levine

@handmade_ghost There is no way that's a real bird. I refuse to believe something that ridiculous exists. The cuteness surely kills everything in it's path. No predator could bear to eat it!

handmade ghost

@SRLevine And no predator shall--I will defend the quorb until my dying breath.

Jer 🚡🏼

@handmade_ghost What PSI is that inflated to? Seems a little out of spec that's all.

handmade ghost

@C3Casi A celebration of round. πŸ₯ΉπŸ’š

Bryan Wright


Physics teacher, writing on chalkboard:
"If we assume that quails are approximately spherical..."

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