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Stefano Marinelli

Me, showing you one of my all-time favorite Windows.

#FensterFreitag #WindowFriday

Me, standing by a window, pointing outside with a smile, showcasing a beautiful view of the beach. The phrase 'Me, showing you one of my all-time favorite Windows' could be a playful reference to both the actual window and the Windows operating system.
EnigmaRotor ⁂

@stefano you obviously Excel in selling Windows 🀣 you made me laugh my friend, and that’s an happy ending for an exhausting week. Have a nice week end!

Stefano Marinelli

@EnigmaRotor πŸ˜† Excel in selling Windows - that's nice πŸ™‚
I'm glad you found it funny. It's been a long and heavy week for me, too, so trying to make people laugh is helping all of us.
Have a nice weekend, too!

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