96 files changed, 3224 insertions, 2326 deletions, 8 dead, 19 injured, 4 missing
@Houl if this happens when 3k lines are committed, what happens when 350k are...
@Houl 2 misunderstood, 1 never really knew
@Houl and a partridge in a pear tree
@Houl Sounds like cleaning up a Git conflict, all right.
@Houl@wetdry.world BORN TO DIE GIT IS A FUCK
@Houl have you been reading my PRs?
@tuftyindigo :3c
@Houl a hit note!
@xyhhx a hit yip :neofox_floof:
@Houl waf!1
@xyhhx :neofox_pat_floof:
@Houl :blobcathearthug: (this instance has only a few emoji)
@xyhhx :neofox_floof_explode:
@Houl there was some heated debate about the change
@gkrnours :ablobfoxexplode:
@Houl LGTM 🚢
@Houl if this happens when 3k lines are committed, what happens when 350k are...