Seriously, how do people fall for this "business and markets are efficient" shit and then turn around and talk about all the crazy wasteful shit businesses they worked for did?
Seriously, how do people fall for this "business and markets are efficient" shit and then turn around and talk about all the crazy wasteful shit businesses they worked for did? 10 comments
@billyjoebowers I have worked private sector for exactly one year and it's wasteful in such a widely different way. At least state government has a "it's security policy" to fall back on when I have to shred $100k in perfectly good server equipment. It's just wasteful the pallets of "out of compliance" computers I throw out. I think one distinction some people make is; When the government is wasteful, it's wasting tax payer dollars and that's bad, because those are my tax dollars. But when a business is wasteful, as long as the profit is there and shareholders are happy and the stock price goes up, it doesn't matter if they're wasteful because it's not my money. There's a cognitive disconnect that I think a lot of people actually have to think about a little harder, but they won't. The money that corporations use, whether it's wasted, spent wisely, or given to shareholders, comes from customers. But we don't call it customers' money. We think it's the corporation's money, once it's paid. Same with money that a government takes in. It's public money. It no longer belongs to the people who paid it. Calling it "taxpayers' money" is just propaganda. I don't disagree, just commenting on the way I've seen many people frame it and think about it. Seems to be a common viewpoint. @finner @billyjoebowers @billyjoebowers This right here. Most folks I know who've worked in medium to large businesses can only speak of how inefficiently things are run. The efficiency usually comes in when it comes to upper management ripping people off. @billyjoebowers Markets are made up of businesses but I do not disagree. These businesses need to be regulated. @billyjoebowers This is basically the default normie belief in the US and it's insane how deeply it's ingrained. |
@billyjoebowers I have rarely, if ever, been impressed by the efficiency of a business when seen from the inside.
Organizations of a certain size, regardless of their organizing principles or purpose, gather idiosyncracies and inefficiencies until they have such a large pile of liabilities that they get destroyed or refactored to start the process over.