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Mike Gerdts

@tim looks like the bottom two are an #Sun Ultra II and a #SPARC 5 or maybe a SPARC 20. That second one includes a graphics adapter with a 13W3 connector. The three matching servers look like #Netra X1’s.

#SunMicrosystems #Solaris

Tim W (admin (and human))

@mgerdts lol I had completely forgotten those were Netras but you're exactly correct.

The bottom two were "eBay specials" as we liked to call them. I think the Netras we actually bought new and might have been our first bought-new server-grade hardware.

I can't honestly remember why we went with the Netras since we were primarily a FreeBSD shop. I vaguely recall being pissed off at Solaris all the time.


@mgerdts @tim #Netra T1’s? Those were all metal, no purple plastic. These ran forever

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