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Natasha Jay 🇪🇺

Closest one certainly looks like Elite, you can see the docking port. Not sure on the other two tbh (and I played it on the C64)

1 comment

@Natasha_Jay @Geeky_sebastian @MOULE The middle one is an animated version of one of official LEGO "control panel" bricks.

A friend recently reposted this article which I vaguely recall reading years ago so I had the designs in fresh memory.

Scroll all the way to the bottom for photo of three bricks (yellow, gray, white), it matches the white, even the two lights/buttons under the numeric readout.

Good chance the left one is the targeting computer from the Death Star bombing scene from A New Hope, but it might also be a riff at the gray brick from the same photo in the article.

@Natasha_Jay @Geeky_sebastian @MOULE The middle one is an animated version of one of official LEGO "control panel" bricks.

A friend recently reposted this article which I vaguely recall reading years ago so I had the designs in fresh memory.

Scroll all the way to the bottom for photo of three bricks (yellow, gray, white), it matches the white, even the two lights/buttons under the numeric readout.

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