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Niki Tonsky

Hot take: if you wrote a test and it never broke, you didn’t need that test

Jan :rust: :ferris:

@nikitonsky Hm...isn't it the same as saying:
"If you never crash with your car, you won't need that seatbelt."

It's all about probability and reducing risk. You never know beforehand what might happen.


@nikitonsky we had a system at a previous job that kept track and then stopped running them on every PR. (They would still run over night though.)

Jonathan Fischer

@nikitonsky I often write tests just to confirm that something works the way I expect it to before moving on. Once it's written, I tend to just leave it.

If I'm working on Clojure I do that kind of quick test in the REPL, but I'm usually not working in Clojure.

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