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Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:
@graf @p it's a really good show. You're missing out if you've never seen it before.
Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:
@graf @p Apparently, on Linux, Widevine in Brave can be recorded with SimpleScreenRecorder. At least on the Ubuntu 22.04 OEM kernel.
So uh, great DRM I guess.
@sjw >on Linux
Did you mean systemd/Linux? The kernel, Linux cannot run web browsers.
>Widevine in Brave
Windevine has different levels and the form of digital handcuffs in chromium is typically; L3 ― Software-based DRM only, which obviously is quite poor obfuscation that can't do anything about screen recording.
L1 is designed not be screen recordable, as the idea is that the video stream is being decoded on hardware that serves someone else's interests and not yours - that is "ideally" directly wired to the screen, so the use can't access the video via purely software means anymore.
@sjw >on Linux
Did you mean systemd/Linux? The kernel, Linux cannot run web browsers.
>Widevine in Brave
Windevine has different levels and the form of digital handcuffs in chromium is typically; L3 ― Software-based DRM only, which obviously is quite poor obfuscation that can't do anything about screen recording.
Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:
@Suiseiseki it absolutely can do shit about screen recording on Windows and I suspect OSX/MacOS.
@sjw Yes, it's amazing what proprietary malware can do with anti-user features provided by anti-user operating systems.
Ass Burgers :butt::reverseaburg::reverseaburg::reverseaburgnom:
@Suiseiseki now the argument has shifted to "we have to hash all of your images to make sure you don't have any pepes or anti-authoritarian memes because think of the children!
I'd be fine with scanning my images if I could download the latest hash database and verify shit for myself (actually I'd like that a lot) but no you have to give personal info to get access to your API in (((the cloud))) and even if you get a "false positive" (e.g. an "I hate the antichrist/UN" meme) you still have a target painted on your back to get raided and have all your shit seized due to probable cause and have a gag order placed on you.

Luckily I live in the south end thus Baest is hosted in the most southern stereotype state there is (it's in my closet connected to a gigabit fibre backhaul to my CDN network [which I will be building out even more in the near future because fuck :cloudflare:). So I'll probably be good.

However don't be surprised if I ask for emergency funds for a colo server in some island country datacentre in order to continue operations while also keeping people safe.

I'll even push Nginx logs to /dev/null which will make (D)DoS rather hard to mitigate but I'd rather have that than the alternative.

Maybe one day I'll get enough steady donations for me to manage my own /24 but until then I gotta go through some gymnastics.

Still trying to learn how big boy BGP routing works but considering my knowledge when I first started hosting a fedi instance was "if something breaks you have to reinstall :ubuntu:, lose everything, and start over." And in less than a year I went to daily driving :gentoo: on my desktop... I'm confident that I can teach myself...

A lot of people on fedi just don't realise how much I've poured into my fedi servers. Especially considering (at least for right now and especially when I first started my fedi servers). Since I live well below the poverty line. At least for how...

Hell, when I first started fedi (, later I was super reluctant to upgrade the server unless I absolutely had to. Mainly because I still wasn't cleared to work by my doctor after my motorcycle wreck. I was still on the waiting list for food stamps and money was extremely tight so yeah... If a domain renewal (like $10) and a server renewal (like $15) feel on the same month then I'd just take the funds out of my scarce food budget to pay for things. I never once asked for donations. I had crypto donations and whatnot available but I never begged. I went several weeks workout eating because of domain renewals or that there was just no other way besides upgrading the server to keep everything running relatively smooth.

The longest I went without food was 12 days because domain renewal and an upgrade to hosting was required in a single month.

Luckily now I'm in a much better place in life. I'm still below the poverty line but I'm in a much better place than I was when I started shitty services.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm drunk and I feel really guilty about taking money for #CornbreadTheCat but just know I wouldn't even ask if it meant going less than 10 days without food for myself.

Last year I made less than $10,000 USD in gross wages. The year prior it was less than $5,000 USD.

I've ran shitty services on an absolute shoestring budget and I'll continue to put Shitty Services above my own needs and now Cornbread's needs as well.

Hell, I'll eat cat food I have on hand if it comes to it if need be to keep me strong enough to care for Cornbread and keep Shitty Services running with no complaints from me.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for asking for help with Cornbread's care. I'm sorry for asking for asking for money. I'm going to try to do my best going forward.

It absolutely pains me to beg for money and it's the absolute last thing I ever want to do so if I ever do it I'm serious in over my head.

However, thank you to everyone who's been generous enough to help out over the years in my time of need. I hope I've never come across as an e-beger to you.
@Suiseiseki now the argument has shifted to "we have to hash all of your images to make sure you don't have any pepes or anti-authoritarian memes because think of the children!
I'd be fine with scanning my images if I could download the latest hash database and verify shit for myself (actually I'd like that a lot) but no you have to give personal info to get access to your API in (((the cloud))) and even if you get a "false positive" (e.g. an "I hate...
:umu: :umu:
@sjw @Suiseiseki bro you're one of the biggest part of fedi.

It's not begging, you must get what you deserve.
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