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Wizard Bear (πŸ’‰x6 + 😷)

@davidtoddmccarty @GossiTheDog @sysop408 Many of us donate directly to our instance/server admins to help them keep the lights on. They don't rely on ads for revenue, but user support helps out. I'm def a big #Mastodon fan.

David Todd McCarty

@WizardBear I happen to be on Medium’s server, so I’m already paying, but when I was on an independent server, I donated monthly.

Wizard Bear (πŸ’‰x6 + 😷)

@davidtoddmccarty Thx for the reply. I also donate monthly. I'm very happy with my instance and my admin.

Sheldon Chang πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

@WizardBear yep, I donate to my local instance and I also donate to the main project.


Rhyme Repartee

@sysop408 @WizardBear @davidtoddmccarty everyone should donate, and it would be a trivial amount if everybody did. An excellent example of a NFP non unlimited growth world we could be in.

#SustainableEconomy #nogrowthmovement


@davidtoddmccarty @WizardBear cool I didn’t know Medium ran their own sever. Does everyone who writes for them get an account?

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