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Vertigo #$FF

Recommending we ditch x86 is a good thing. Recommending we ditch it for something else that is as likely to suffer from the same problems is also counterproductive.

That's all I'll say about that.

4 comments | Expand all CWs
Boris Vulikh

@vertigo let’s hope that RISC-V gets serious sooner than later.

Adrian Cochrane

@borisv @vertigo RISC-V alone will not solve any of the problems. In fact I suspect this attitude's what's being subtooted.

Your friendly 'net denizen

@vertigo Well, shoot. Now I'm curious what this subtoot is about... (No pressure to point me to anything, just dang curiosity. It will pass. 😆 )

PG&E delenda est

@vertigo @alcinnz just keep making z80 and 6502 bigger and have those two war instead of x86 and arm

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