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Determination G. Schadenfreude

It doesn’t have to be perfect.
It doesn’t have to be practical.
It doesn’t have to be useful or monetizable.
It doesn’t have to be spectacular, extraordinary, or even original.

Make stuff because you want to. Simply for the joy of making it.

(This is mostly a reminder to myself, to banish all these intrusive self-criticisms. But maybe you need it too.)



...thanks for the inspiration, now I want to draw those words an my wall :D

Sam Clemente

@gregly literally the only motivation behind the two apps I’m currently building is “well I wanted to use them”

They’re literally task and weather apps, some of the most basic apps you can build, but they’re built the way I want them to work

Can I monetize it later on? Sure, but I’m just building the thing I wanted to use, if other people like it, that’s cool, but it’s for me


@gregly Yes to this, especially number three.


@gregly This!

I think people also forget that you won't always know the thing that *is* special when you're starting it or even in the middle of it.

Sometimes you won't know until several years later.

But if you put in the work now you're vastly more likely to find the thing that is special. And sometimes it'll be meaningful to you specifically.

Your creative voice across time to an older you that may have forgotten that thing swept away by time. A you more able to see what it meant.


Thanks for saying what I have been feeling for a long time.

I like to fix things, it make me feel good and that is all that it takes to make me want to do it again.
Plus I collect tools:-)

When was the last time you spent 50$ in tools to fix a 20$ item:-)

Franceska Mann


As many programs are cut from US schools, people are forgetting how to be creative and make art or music. It's good to create things just for ourselves, and to learn how to do things. It's not a waste of time. It's the purpose of being human. The capitalism teaches people that only what you can sell has value. Capitalism is perverse.

Projjal Moitra

@gregly Thanks for the motivation bud, really needed it 🥹

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