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Tobias Bernard

We have a schedule for the @p2panda event next week 🥳

On Saturday December 7th and Sunday 8th we'll have a hackfest at Weise7 to start working on a new native GTK local-first collaborative text editor!

On Saturday night we'll also have a release party for the new version of p2panda at @offline with some topical talks by special guests Sarah Grant and @bumbleblue.

#berlin #p2p #p2panda #localfirst #gnome

Sharepic for the event, with white text on a purple GNOME wallpaper background:

Unboiling The Ocean 2

The new p2panda and our local-first future

Saturday 7th
Aardvark Hacking
11:00 - Weise 7, Weisestr. 7

p2panda Release Party
19:00 - Offline, Lichtenraderstr. 49

Sarah Grant - Digital Radio Communcation
Eileen Wagner - P2P UX Patterns
Vegane Küfa, Glühwein, Cookies :)

Sunday 8th
Aardvark Hacking
11:00 - Weise 7, Weisestr. 7
maryjane :fediverso:


This peaked my curiosity, what is a: "GTK local-first collaborative text editor!" ??

Collaborating on the same LAN network? Local app but with access to files on a remote server?

@p2panda @offline


@tbernard @p2panda @offline @bumbleblue A collaborative text editor sounds great.

In case you haven't got across it: ODF Changes, a project by The Documentfoundation, defined Operations (or Changes) are used to transfer the user changes between editors. and by Svante Schubert, including ideas for text editors.

BTW, @libodesign was thinking about adding peer-to-peer collaborative editing functionality to LibreOffice.

@tbernard @p2panda @offline @bumbleblue A collaborative text editor sounds great.

In case you haven't got across it: ODF Changes, a project by The Documentfoundation, defined Operations (or Changes) are used to transfer the user changes between editors. and by Svante Schubert, including ideas for text editors.

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