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kleines Filmröllchen

when you're engineering, you are problem solving with science and that's honestly so cool. your results deserve to be presented in the most beautiful way possible. make your pcbs look symmetrical and have pretty routed traces. spend time and effort to prettify your technical drawings beyond the standard requirements. put a camera just for PR images on your satellite. you should be proud of your work and others should be able to appreciate it easily


@filmroellchen > you should be proud of your work and others should be able to appreciate it easily

hah. i’m proud of your engineering work (and i appreciate it!) but I could never be proud of mine. it always feels like a hack in some way…


@filmroellchen but isn't engineering also about min-maxing?

Aren't min-maxed designs beautiful in their own way, even when that means there is no place for camera, and when making the PCB symmetrical would be sub-optimal?

kleines Filmröllchen

@wolf480pl this is true, but i am talking about situations where you have some space in the design to do a bit extra

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