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Dr. Alexandre Santerne 🌍

Five years of no flying
✈️ ❌ ➡️ 🚅 ✅

5 years ago, I realised that my #academic travels were emitting way too much #greenhouse #gas #GHG (up to 20 t #CO2 / yr) and hence that my #professional activity was not #sustainable. I thus decided to completely ban air #travel (#plane) and travel mainly by #train within #Europe.

5 years later (i.e. now), my professional travels' #carbonfootprint dropped by **a factor 50**, without impacting my #publication records (compared to 2017 - 2019).

I wrote a post for the #blog of @a4e about my experience. Check it out:

cc @labos1point5 @LAM_Marseille @CNRS_INSU @academicchatter @astrophysics @StayGrounded_net

#Research #Science #sustainability #ecology #Earth #NoPlanetB #Climate #academicchatter #academicmastodon #ClimateChange #ClimateAction

Evolution of the carbon footprint of my academic travels since I started my PhD (in Orange) - in log scale. Blue dots are the number of peer-reviewed publications

@AlexSanterne @a4e @labos1point5 @LAM_Marseille @CNRS_INSU @academicchatter @astrophysics @StayGrounded_net I would love to take the train within Europe but it is so bad.
Like this trip to Vienna, yes you can take the train, but I opted out because of the bad reputation of DB.
As a female I can not risk to get stranded alone at a dark station…..

Philip C James

@AlexSanterne @a4e @labos1point5 @LAM_Marseille @CNRS_INSU @academicchatter @astrophysics @StayGrounded_net

If only people like Trump had studied astronomy they would understand how runaway greenhouses have affected other planets and the serious risk we are running of creating a runaway greenhouse catastrophe on Earth.

Dr. Alexandre Santerne 🌍

@PhilipCJames Trump has Musk.

Why do you think they want to go to Mars ? They don't really care about climate, as long as they earn enough money to stay rich in whatever is next.

But yeah, runaway greenhouse is scarying ! 😱

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