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Buddy Goodboy

@andynonimose @wikihow I think the post you were replying to has been removed. I don’t see anything.

Andy Nonimose

@BuddyGoodboyEsq @wikihow Awww, well it had a wikihow style image of a black lab wearing a cone with the caption "How to install GPG on Linux".

Buddy Goodboy

@andynonimose @wikihow If I knew what GPG was, I could probably stumble my way through it. I messed around with Linux Mint and Ubuntu years back, and yes, I fried my motherboard, but I think that was unrelated.

Andy Nonimose

@BuddyGoodboyEsq @wikihow If I'm not mistaken, I think that GPG usually comes pre-installed in most modern flavors of Linux, but mainly I saw the lab and thought of you. :blobfoxballnom:

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