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1 comment
of nothing
>are you using a hardware server?! you don't have to use kubernetes but at least use
>are you using CGI?! don't you know that's not webscale???
>are you using a local database?! but it competes with your site content for I/O!
>are you using local disks?! we have networked object filesystems
>are you using a novel defined network protocol?! DUDE. protobuf. dude. everything over http. dude.
>are you making your own website?! have you not heard of twitter?
>are you serving your own releases?! we live in the future, man, we have free git hosting and mega and google and aws
>are you writing your own prose?! bro I'm not even talking to you anymore. I just feed your text into a 'Dragon' AI, then type 'I say: dude', and then let the AI tell you that you're a luddite and a caveman
>are you using a hardware server?! you don't have to use kubernetes but at least use
>are you using CGI?! don't you know that's not webscale???
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