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Alexandra Moved :antiverified:

@thebiologist1117 when available it's the first thing i will do on ios 16, enable that.

dont even use the feature they lock down anyway xD

@somegirlprivacy @thebiologist1117 I saw this while it was still in beta. Someone I've been working with has enabled this in Beta 3. Disabling JIT is one of the most essential security changes people should do if you don't care about some slight performance loss. JIT is cursed.
Alexandra Moved :antiverified:

@inference @thebiologist1117 yeah and the very good thing they have done whitelist for website you trust, like that even if one service you use need it (for some obscure reason) the rest is protected

@somegirlprivacy @thebiologist1117 They finally caught up with GrapheneOS.

Another feature which they have added which should have been there from the start is rejecting device connections until phone is unlocked. GrapheneOS always had this.
Alexandra Moved :antiverified:

@inference @thebiologist1117 the last feature (if they add it eveyone will like), a permission for user installed app to access the net (obviously not the system app to prevent user to break feature by mistake).

Like that if the calc or photo gallery (without backup) ask internet connection you just say nope

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