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That was git-revise. Then the other thing I wanted to install was called git-branchstack, which is also in pypi but not debian, but after bashing my head against pypi for three hours I wanna give up.

I tried upgrading fpm to the latest version from git to get this commit in. — easy enough with the specific_install gem which can install gems from repos — and that builds the deb package but then it refuses to install because it depends on git-revise 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Which I already just installed via Debian.

Why is it always Python apps that are so messed up? I'm always a li'l scared by cargo and go get since they let you install unvetted random stuff, but no other platform gives me so much grief and hell as Python. It's worse than GNU autotools. (Maybe not as bad as CMake. Although I wouldn't know because it'd be like comparing infinity to infinity since I've never managed to install either.)
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@Sandra No idea for debian but rust and go are the ugliest in gentoo repos.

You end up with the list of dependencies being generated from the lockfile and stashed into a variable.
There is no such thing as go or rust librairies from a packager point of view.
Good luck when any Go or Rust library needs to be patched for any reason, specially stability and security.
@Sandra No idea for debian but rust and go are the ugliest in gentoo repos.

You end up with the list of dependencies being generated from the lockfile and stashed into a variable.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@Sandra I don't use pip, it's horribly incomplete as a package manager and venvs are an horrible workaround.
Also has an history of doing poorly with BSDs and musl-based systems.

I stick to system packages and PYTHON_PATH.
Feels a bit like a caveman when I explain it to some people but it does exactly like I want.

And for my own software I ended up switching to perl, stable language with a nicely standard buildsystem. And it's specific package manager is just an optional alternative to the system one.
@Sandra I don't use pip, it's horribly incomplete as a package manager and venvs are an horrible workaround.
Also has an history of doing poorly with BSDs and musl-based systems.

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