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Kagi HQ

Google is required to include any search engine that meets specific criteria, such as having an app with over 5,000 installs, in the default list for Android and Chrome.

We'd love it if you install the Kagi app and help us meet the criteria! We're almost there:

#Kagi #AdFree #Search #degoogle #Android #Chrome

A smartphone screen displaying a search interface with the query "best headphones 2024." The screen shows search results from various discussion forums, with a bold text above stating, "Committed to deliver accurate and relevant search outcomes." The background is orange.
A smartphone screen showing a search interface with the query "best headphones 2024." The results include discussions from Reddit and other forums. The text above reads, "Navigate through clean, ad-free search results." The background is orange.
A smartphone screen showing a search interface with the query "best headphones 2024." A dropdown menu labeled "Lenses" offers options like Small Web, Forums, Programming, and Travel. The text above reads, "Customize your search with our unique feature to focus on your specific." The background is orange.
A smartphone screen displaying a search result for "The Best Headphones for 2024". An overlay shows options to block, lower, raise, or pin the domain. The text above states, "Ability to block/lower/raise/pin domains." The background is orange.
Post Tenebras Lire 📚

@kagihq installed even if Kagi is already configured in my Android Firefox

@kagihq installed but don't see a purpose for the app vs using Kagi in a browser
Mattias Eriksson 🦀🚵‍♂️

@kagihq I'm having a hard time recommending Kagi to others, due to the Yandex integration. Both, since that risk promoting Russian propaganda, and also helping financing the Russian illegal war against Ukraine.

Please drop any Yandex integration.

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