One of my bugbears is those notices on videos, etc, saying 'copyright infringement is theft'. But copyright infringement is NOT theft, is it?. There is no moral equivalence between copying and theft.
If I take your loaf of bread, or your book, or your CD, you don't have it any more. That's theft. If I merely borrow your CD – even if I copy it before giving it back - that's nothing like theft. Indeed it is a kind of sharing most people are very happy to engage in. It's a very natural and welcome aspect of human social life. People have always shared books and records in this way. Nor is this kind of sharing anything to to do with plagiarism (which is clearly against natural justice) – nobody is pretending they are the author of the shared work.
@GeofCox @kirch @duncanlock It IS theft if you are copying it and distributing it without permission.