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LukeAlmighty 🇨🇿

Also, the development argument is kinda mute for most people, since most people cannot use it anyway.
(and spying is even worse)

Try using THIS argument instead:
A free software allows each programmer to make a free feature working for EVERYONE FOREVER. All it takes is one programmer.


@LukeAlmighty @iska

In my view, the car example is apt.

Everyone wants a Volkswagen bug: easy to maintain so that it runs forever.

Industry wants anything but "runs forever." They want you upgrading every seven years on the nose.

Iska :emacs_thinking:​ :guix:

He does say you can ask your cousin or pay someone.

Another example argument: imagine if a hammer could only hammer certain screws, recorded impacts to the seller, needed royalties for chairs it made, and you couldn't even share it with friends.

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