Thus, if the same service gets started 5 times iteratively, it will have 5 different invocation IDs assigned. And if you want to pinpoint a specific invocation of a service, it's the invocation ID you can use to uniquely identify it. (Besides the use as metadata when logging the invocation ID is also passed via the env var $INVOCATION_ID to the services btw; and systemctl status also shows it these days.)
One could say that what the Linux boot ID does for the system…
…(which is: identifying a specific reboot cycle universally and uniquely), the invocation ID does for an individual unit (which is: identifying a specific start cycle universally and uniquely).
Because of the conceptual similarity between boot IDs and unit invocation IDs, in v257 we decided to expose them in a similar way as boot IDs in journalctl.
Or in other words: for boot IDs you can use journalctl --list-boots/--boot=/-b to enumerate or filter, or focus on most recent boot.