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Emma (IPG)

does anybody else hate Microsoft Windows as a platform. like i'm not even a Linux diehard i just really don't like Windows

leo vriscrab² (homestuck) :dado_verified:

@ipg maybe one day they will invent a good operating system

enderman0125 :neofox_flag_bi: :neofox_box:

@ipg This install will be going away sometime but it served me well

windows 10 about dialog
@ipg lol lmao I hate testing insider builds, if they release new build without fixing the obnoxious new bugs from the rust based win32k I will scream, cry, and be very very sad.
aa i have lived it i use both daily this counts as living it

approxamatrix :spinny_cat_trans:

@ipg yeah, I find it annoying to deal with when I do dev work :ablobfoxexplode:


@ipg I use linux (yeah yeah block me) but sometimes holy fuck I hate it just as much as I hate windows lmao.

Emma (IPG)

@ThatGeekZen I also use Linux sometimes and hate it so we are one and the same. 🤝 The correct way to use the computer is with hatred of the computer

vozy 🎀

@ipg i find windows comfortable enough, i just wish the consumer release wasn’t crammed with so much preinstalled software & services compared to its more expensive enterprise sibling, which is a much more usable experience for me.

i dont mind pre-installed software, i understand the need to pad out the operating system with as much scenario-proofing as possible for the average consumer. one could even compare the candy crush shortcut to the suite of the classic windows games (hell of a stretch but bare with me)…. but this is absolutely excessive. my operating system shouldn’t assume that i like instagram or own a kindle or use spotify. i get these are Ads more than anything else, but forget massgrave exists for a second— this feels like a cheep move from a company that sells you a license for ~200$. this money isn’t going back into improving their product, that’s for sure.

@ipg i find windows comfortable enough, i just wish the consumer release wasn’t crammed with so much preinstalled software & services compared to its more expensive enterprise sibling, which is a much more usable experience for me.

i dont mind pre-installed software, i understand the need to pad out the operating system with as much scenario-proofing as possible for the average consumer. one could even compare the candy crush shortcut to the suite of the classic windows games (hell of a stretch but...

A screenshot of the Windows 11 taskbar and start menu, with an assortment of system applications and third-party applications, such as Spotify, WhatsApp, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, messenger, and Kindle.
vozy 🎀

@ipg this and the calendar app being merged with outlook. wtf microsoft?

@vozercozer @ipg outlook new or outlook classic :1273487999664918588:
EnQueued didn’t they try to put AI into notepad? ​:floppydiskspin:​

Sodapop [minor]

@ipg programming for Windows does things to a man

Sodapop [minor]

@ipg unless they're using .NET our saving grace

Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :ablobfoxbongohyper:‮‮‮‮‮‮

@ipg yea, the times i've used it everything felt very janky, especially the animations, and random things like the taskbar would just break itself and not let me click on anything :neofox_googly_shocked:

forest :therian:

@freeplay @ipg doing any sort of navigating - either start menu, or taskbar, or settings - always almost breaks unless it's using the ui from win7, but even then there's a non negligible chance it'll be broken too!

enderman0125 :neofox_flag_bi: :neofox_box:

@freeplay @ipg you ever had this issue where a taskbar button could get stuck down and you would infinitely hover over it until explorer was restarted

it was fixed in windows 11. this was an issue that was in the code since windows fucking 7

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