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@jstepien what is going on with that domain name in your link? Is it a redirect?

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@naught101 @jstepien that’s just how unicode urls are encoded, yes it is utterly miserable

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@naught101 @jstepien i don’t understand it either, as i see it you have absolutely no chance of understanding what’s going on in a url like that

skze :nonbinary_flag:

@Life_is @naught101 @jstepien yeah, like there would have been a way to make it at least approximately human-readable and instead they chose… this 🥴

Arina Artemis :nonbinary_flag:

@skye @Life_is @naught101 @jstepien As far as I understand, basically to prevent fishing by using visually indistinguishable letters (apple\.com vs аpple\.com).

C.Suthorn :prn:

@arina @skye @naught101 @jstepien

Na. The number of allowed unicode codepoints is limited for that reason. The coding of the allowed codepoints could still be more readable. But the length of domain names is limited (30 or 35 bytes AFAIK), so shortness was more important than readability. Even more important for non-latin writing system like CJK, cyrillic, greek, arabic, hebrew, etc.


@naught101 @jstepien it's an utf-8 domain name, some applications show some kind of encoding instead of the actual characters


@petitmote @jstepien right, but I would have expected it to look something like or something


@naught101 @jstepien the norm is really weird 😅 non ascii domains will start with xn--, for the rest I don't know

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