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Christine Lemmer-Webber

I laid out a strong critique, but let me end on a call to empathy.

Bluesky is built by good people, and the fediverse is built by good people. Neither reflect the designs I presently would like to see today, but ultimately these are built by humans trying their absolute hardest.

Christine Lemmer-Webber replied to Christine

The infrastructure we build reflects our social dynamics, and our social dynamics are made possible by our infrastructure.

This thread has been long, and I have said everything I have to say. Thanks for listening. I hope we can build a good future for each other. 💜

Btrinen replied to Christine
Stefan replied to Christine

@cwebber beyond epic. Thanks for everything you do!

Amandine replied to Christine

@cwebber thanks for taking the time to write his down. It has been really interesting.

John Breen replied to Christine

@cwebber People build infrastructure. For example, my grandfather helped build Rt 128 near Boston, MA as a civil engineer.
People build the internet too. I'm ready to help.

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab replied to Christine

@cwebber I am very much looking forward to reading this thread in full with my morning coffee tomorrow. thanks for putting in the time and energy to clear up the misconceptions around these topics. 💜

maksu replied to Christine

@cwebber great thread, it was an experience seeing it update in real time!

amd replied to Christine

@cwebber This was a fun read over the course of the day. I would check out with your breaks and come check back in an hour or two later to continue.

Great analysis and I think you did a good job to be fair to the Bluesky folks and evenly critical of the many challenges we have here on the fediverse side.

Thank you for writing it all up.

David Bruchmann replied to Christine


many details I don't know and would take me long time to understand in detail.

The problem with collisions because of shortened hashes I know from another system too, it's indeed a bad idea and leads to problems.
Fun-fact is that different content can lead to the same hashes even in full length, when md5 is used. In general I'd assume that problem exists with sha256 or sha256d too, just with lower probability, but I'm not sure.

.,PawV,. :v_enby: replied to Christine

@cwebber 🍻 cheers. This was an enjoyable read. Perfectly distracted me while I waited for my wife to finish their appointment. 😊

julianproxy replied to Christine

@cwebber This thread was the best part of my day. Thank you so much, Christine!

FckSD replied to Christine

@cwebber thank you for taking all this time to explain 💜

Kadsepfösch replied to Christine

@cwebber Woohoo, I made it to the end!!!
Thanks for this summary. It was a good read. 👍

Morten Bech replied to Christine

@cwebber Thank you for taking your time to write this amazingly elaborate and informative thread. It helped me understand the Bluesky/Fediverse discussion a little better 👏🤩

SuperMoosie replied to Christine


Thank you.

Please go use the toilet.

Ralf Stubner replied to Christine

@cwebber Thanks for writing this up. Fascinating!

glyn replied to Christine

@cwebber Thanks for such a very helpful thread. I generally prefer blogs to long threads, but I suspect the long thread was really necessary this time. I can now read the blog if I want to.

Please advise: does the blog have anything significant beyond the thread?

(I'm particularly interested in content addressable storage and decentralisation, having spent over a year on docker/OCI image relocation. We don't want CAS to be another "Google" design decision.)

Tim replied to Christine

@cwebber thanks for all your work here. Informative and entertaining 🙏

Lutin Discret replied to Christine

@cwebber now refill that cup of tea now and do nostr 🥺

Joke aside, thanks for this thread 🙏 I think the whole debate is spoiled by the lack of vocabulary, we should stop using "decentralized" and coin some more strictly defined terms 😔

Velvetshadow ♾️ replied to Christine

@cwebber God DAMN. What an epic thread. Well written, explained, accessible to the pleb (me), it took me a while to get through it, but I have absolutely no regrets. Thanks for sharing your experience and your take on this. :amaze:

benny replied to Christine

@cwebber Thank you for the long thread. I learned quite a bit and probably didn't properly understand half of it, but that's on me.
Anyway, on more than öne occasion I thought "isn't that what Hubzilla/zot is doing?"
again, I'm ignorant and learning there, too. But maybe you find the time to lose a word or two about how zot would fit in there in comparison to AP and Bluesky?

Pedr01gb replied to Christine

@cwebber oh no. I only saw the end of this giant thread… I might need to read everything from the start

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