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Amin Negm-Awad

@streetartutopia Don't know, but in my hometown Cologne at least one of such "food share"-points exists.


@RA_Negm @streetartutopia Also exists in France, we even have street fridges !

Street Art Utopia

@ernestodurand Love it!

We have this close to me. They have a lock and you pay 50 kr (5 dollar) 1 time then you can use it "forever" with a app.

oooohhhhhh... hahaha

completely missed it at first glance

Street Art Utopia

Is stuff like this something you expect from this account?

I try to have a balanced posting; funny, beautiful, skillful, feelings, social comments (utopia), m.m.

Thomas Sobieck 🐘

@streetartutopia Yes. I would expect something like this. I boosted it because it is an amazing example of mutual aid. It seems like a very good world where people are helping each other like this.

Doofus Canadensis

@streetartutopia It's your account. you do what you want with it.

John Willis πŸ”°

@streetartutopia You’re doing well, in my opinion!

(Spotted in Murakami City, Niigata, Japan)

David S

@streetartutopia this account is uplifting. This content is uplifting. I see only synergy

Bill Hooker

@streetartutopia Yes, street art is closely linked with grassroots organizing, mutual aid, &cetera, so I'd expect this.

Also, it's cool af.

Also, do what you want it's your account, why do you care what internet randos like me think? πŸ™‚

Janne Moren

It's fine. Only posting a single, narrowly defined thing can get stale. Shake it up a bit from time to time.


@streetartutopia yes beauty lies in the eye of the beholder


@vega @streetartutopia in RU also in art places can be, or I remember was maps with shelves in cafes etc


@streetartutopia The shocking truth: In my hometown such a storage would be destroyed within two weeks after dedication. One for goods instead of food was burnt two times (then it was rebuilt in direct sight of a police station). A book sharing storage for kids(!) in downtown was destroyed within 3 weeks. Even newly planted trees in different places are sawn over night.
The offenders were never caught. So sad.

Marty Fouts

@streetartutopia My neighbor has built a small version that she calls β€œa little free pantry” It is a good thing and I am glad you mentioned one.


@streetartutopia I need one of these that accepts feminine pads. i have some random (but safe) food to donate and I have been trying to give away safely sealed pads for a long time



i have found that the hiker's ethic "leave it just a little better than you found it" applies to pretty much anything you do in life.

The Little Wars

@maddad @streetartutopia we have a significant number of these in Seattle, I assure you they do work.

Just Bob πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²β™’πŸ§πŸͺ–


First they come for the public library, then the free library and these will be next 🀬😭🀬😭


I hate to say this because it feels really good to see people caring for their neighbors but storing food outdoors can be unsafe. These cans are designed to be "shelf stable" (with a few exceptions that actually require refrigeration) but the "shelf" is assumed to be at room temperature.

Storing cans outside where temperature changes are uncontrolled could allow for dangerous bacterial growth to occur in the food.

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