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@xahteiwi @lambisio I’ll grant you this one, but, like, that’s just the consequence of being able to select *either* a date or a weekday, which isn’t too wild.

Florian Haas

@rixx Right, "do something every Friday the 13th" sounds very useful too.



@lambisio @xahteiwi Not sure – I thought "* * 13 * 5" meant "both on Fridays and on the 13th of each month", and*_5 agrees.

In any case a huge advantage of systemd timers is your ability to query them for next / scheduled / past runs like this fwiw.

Lucho, tristemente sin gato

@rixx @xahteiwi That's weird. I mean, 30 6 * * * means "at 6:30" and not "every half hour and also at 6:00". So it'd be extra weird if dow/dom were specialcased that way.

But even then, that doesn't justify "solving" the problem by subsuming it into systemd. Pretty sure there's like at leats other 200 tools to do the job.

(No, NTP is *not* one of them!)


@lambisio @xahteiwi Right, well, in that case, I’m afraid I have no justification to offer (lol)

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