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TIL that the purported skull of Mary Magdalene is enshrined in a gold reliquary in Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, in France, and that reliquary is _the_ most Warhammer-40k-looking real thing I have ever seen in my life, bar none.

Ted Mielczarek

@mhoye that feels like it desperately wants to be perched atop a mech body.


@tedmielczarek Maybe that's what the angels are protraying, the process of slotting it in place?


@tedmielczarek @mhoye
I did not look closely to start with and the angel wings look at first glance like spider robot legs

Ted Mielczarek

@mhoye St. Valentine's skull, for comparison, is just sitting in a fancy box in a church in Rome.

The skull of Saint Valentine peers out from a gold-framed window in a fancy box.
Maggie Maybe

@tedmielczarek @mhoye ok maybe these abrahamic religions aren’t as patriarchal as I thought lol

серафими многоꙮчитїи

@mhoye This is the stuff of road trip legend, also the framing of the picture here makes the wings look like golden spider's legs which just adds to it.

Henryk Plötz

@mhoye Earlier this year I visited a church where they had this guy, just chilling there, waiting to be painted like one of your French girls. They even had a second one!

S. Maximianus in St. Emmeran cathedral.
A corpse/mummy, in a gilded glass display case, propped up in a "that's interesting, tell me more" pose.
Andrew Kuchling

@mhoye You might enjoy Anneli Rufus's book "Magnificent Corpses", in which she goes to a number of shrines like this across Europe


@mhoye Warhammer 40k is so cool I wish Catholics were real

Ben Rosengart

@mhoye patron saint of RPG character generation

Dan 🌈

V powerful Servitor vibes here

Metal as fuck too, if we're being honest

Mila Ardath 🦻🏻

@mhoye It has 40K meets Doctor Who: Silence in the Library vibes to me.


@mhoye That Image send me down a rabbithole...2 hours wikipedia about Marie Magdalen.. Thank you

Ben Curthoys

@mhoye You might like this -

which someone did at peak COVID and was the previous holder of the "most WH40K thing ever" title.


@mhoye Astronaut 1: Warhammer 40K is Catholic Aesthetics?

Astronaut 2 (with Boltgun): Always has been.


@stib @mhoye
I'm sure there is a cream to deal with that rash.


@mhoye Also a little reminiscent of the Borg queen, no? Call me weird, but I'd love to see a DNA analysis, facial reconstruction, and radio carbon dating of that skull.

Elena ``of Valhalla''
@jtheseamstress @mhoye I may be weird too, but all those tests look like something that would tell really interesting things about the medieval relic trade!

@mhoye not being into wh40k myself, I would've thought this was fan art of a bunch of Doctor Who baddies merged into one

Christine Schuhmann


You HAVE to read 'Afterlives of the Saints' by Colin Dickey. It's absolutely wild.
For example: Monasteries in the Middle Ages had feuds going, stealing each other's mummified saint bits back and forth because they wanted to Catch Them All.

Damon L. Wakes

@tine_schreibt @mhoye I know Rick and Morty did it first, but... Popéball.


@mhoye "FACE TOWARDS ENEMY", only in Latin.

Gabriel Pettier

@mhoye #ALT4you Golden plated statues of angels, facing away from the viewer, holding up a golden plated bust with hair and a glass bubble in place of the face, inside the bubble, a darkened skull is visible, held in place in a red fabric case. The bust is placed upon another golden plated structure with intricate details that, from the point of view of the picture, makes it look like a robotic body. All that seems to sand in a rock cave or cemented structure.

Lux :flag_genderfluid:

@mhoye Please, could you add an image description to make your toot accessible for everyone ?

For instance :

Golden statue of two angels holding the bust of a woman with long hair.
The woman's face is hollow, and a real skull is displayed, resting on red silk. The skull is protected with a glass dome, that reflects the light above it.

Feel free to adapt is, as English is not my first language.


Gonzalo Nemmi :runbsd:

@mhoye this is probably (extremely likely) one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life.


@mhoye just give her the nuke and it'll be OK

Cain, the villain from Robocop2, in his robot form

Ok, but she'll have to promise it's not a death cult.


@mhoye @ramsey i knew of catacomb saints (Katakombenheilige) where european churches bought skeletons claimed to originate from rome and decorated them, to claim they have their own saints. Baroque death cult tends to be quite something.

I took the main picture on this wikipedia article

Ben Ramsey

@dbu @mhoye Nice photograph!

I love how the angle makes it appear as if he’s stroking a mustache.


@mhoye all i can hear is daft punk in the background 😄


@mhoye btw: what license is that picture under?

Paco Luque

@mhoye OMG the vibes of Blasphemous final boss in this picture are incredible

Andy Linton ✅

@mhoye How does that square with:

We pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever-Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.
— Pope Pius XII, *Munificentissimus Deus*, 1950


@artnacrea Probably rude to argue about canon with the people who invented canonization.

Lillian Violet

@artnacrea @mhoye Mary the mother of Christ is not Mary Magdalene, the latter was a sex worker who he befriended (and according to some historians maybe had a relationship with). The previous his mother. The fact they have the same name can be quite confusing.

Full Metal Accountant

@GLaDTheresCake @artnacrea @mhoye
Mary Magdalene was most likely a wealthy person who supported the followers. The sex worker who washed Jesus' feet was never named.

Bee O'Problem

@mhoye makes sense given 40k's Imperium seems to be a mix of the worst excesses of Victorian England with the aesthetics of the Catholic Church on crack


@mhoye well, 40k was inspired by a lot of things, then turned up to at least 11

stony kark

@mhoye maybe christianity does respect sex workers after all

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