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Mike Beasley

@moira PLC, and it's not a placeholder anymore. It's now a backronym for "Public Ledger of Credentials" and they're looking to hand it off to a web standards body so they don't control it.

M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@MikeBeas @moira Hey, guys? Heuristics are a thing.

Here's a helpful heuristic: "Tech billionaires don't build commercial entities that can work just as well without them."

That's my helpful heuristic. Thank you for coming to my #HelpfulHeuristic Talk.

Edit: #BlueSky

Mike Beasley

@msbellows @moira Which tech billionaire are you referring to?

Mike Beasley replied to M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@msbellows @moira ok and what does that have to do with anything we’re talking about? we’re not talking about tech billionaires at all.

M.S. Bellows, Jr. replied to Mike

@MikeBeas @moira Bluesky isn't owned and run by tech billionaires?

Mike Beasley replied to M.S. Bellows, Jr.

@msbellows @moira No, there's not a single tech billionaire involved in Bluesky.

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