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Geert Aarts

@maccruiskeen @JesseSkinner OK, also social. Let's say you follow 200 others, and you stick to them, because you like their messages. Let's say 100 of them post/boost 5 messages per day. That is 500 messages in your timeline/day. A more silent friend or colleague posts one message per month, which might be quite important for both the sender and receiver. It is quickly snowed under.
Many of my colleagues joined about a year ago, but most left to LinkedIn and Bluesky now. I think because of this

Jesse Skinner :javascript:

@geertaarts @maccruiskeen you can turn on notifications on a per-account basis - so those friends whose posts you don't want to miss, click their profile and click the bell icon and their posts will show up in your notifications.


@geertaarts @maccruiskeen @JesseSkinner This is specifically something I encountered myself. I solved it by unfollowing accounts, as well as turning off boosts, until I felt I was comfortable keeping track of all the accounts I followed. But that's me.

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