🏥 Today is an Anniversary 🏥
On this Saturday one decade prior, I was not alive.
Firefighters broke down the door. Hypoxic body moved to the floor.
EMT slit my throat. Primed the airway for life support.
Defibrillators fired off. Electric reset, buffers gone.
Brain remained offline, machines keeping in-time.
While the medical pathways may describe, too many emotions remain intertwined. The neural surgeons, the ER team, and everyone else in between, they simply said that I was gone. We had both died, one twin following the other, yet against all odds till on this day — today — I am somehow still alive.
Today I am 3,655 days old 🩷
@winterschon I want to hear more about this, but fully understand the emotional roller coaster that comes with it. Glad you are okay!