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Rune Skovbo Johansen

I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison of my procedural animation to hand-authored animations on some models I bought. This is so I can better study what I need to improve.

When I got my comparison tool running for the first time, this is what I was greeted with! A bug with the step-height it seems. 😅

(Sound track: "Entrance of the Gladiators") #procgen


@runevision ah, it is trying to reach the floor of the upper one probably.

hahaha, very nice.

Rune Skovbo Johansen

@Sythelux Yeah something like that I think, ha! I think it's not taking world space height of the ground into account. And the one above happens to be at the zero height ground.

Rune Skovbo Johansen

@tmr232 My pleasure! Procedural animation is a gold mine for glitches. Every bug has high potential of being hilarious.

Rune Skovbo Johansen

@aras Damn, and I even added zoom to make it a bit easier to spot.

Sonny Bonds

@aras @runevision The wolf full wheeling it is my favorite. Would not want that chasing me.

Doug Binks

@SonnyBonds @aras @runevision Definitely has an "I'm an alien monster unearthed from its ancient icy tomb pretending to be a wolf" vibe.

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