I log into my computer, open my browser. My computer is quiet for the most part. I start typing "fedi.abs". From there, my computer knows where this is going, it prepares itself for the worst. I finish typing the url, "fedi.absturztau.be". The home timeline loads normally, but of course this is not where we're stopping.

I open the emoji picket. 10k+ emojis are being loaded. Some of them are a few MBs. All of my bandwidth is requested, my computer fans spin up, all these animations are happening, I directly contribute to climate changes as I witness each heavy gif being loaded and displayed with their animation playing. The browser tries its best to keep up, but the RAM usage is skyrocketing (even more than usual). I scroll down the list of emojis. The CPU wishes it was dead. I click on the yuri emoji, meaning that I made sure to scroll all the way to the bottom without using the search feature. I try to post it without any context, but the browser already froze