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Chrisshy Keygen

lofi girl is down due to nonsense copyright claims; at this point I think so many people listen to these streams at work and school that they are pretty much critical infrastructure.

They should really consider self-hosting their infrastructure; at least as a backup

c0debabe, sleepy raccoon

@rgegriff ugh I figured that would happen... the fun ruiners showed up

Chrisshy Keygen

@c0debabe here's the wild thing; lofigirl (formerly chilled cow) is the record label. They absolutely own the rights to the music; but youtube makes it pretty easy to do automated claims and cause all sorts of havoc.

c0debabe, sleepy raccoon

@rgegriff Oh I know that. I know. The fun ruiners are whoever is making the fraudulent claims to get them tangled up in the claims process.

Chrisshy Keygen

@c0debabe oh, it's something I just learned this AM. I always wondered how they were getting away with it for so long, Haha.


@rgegriff deleted my previous response since I realized their entire revenue model (with some minor additional ones like vinyl/merch/bandcamp sales) is streaming music. They'd much rather you listen to it on Spotify or YouTube than an icecast.

:flan_reaper: - On Hiatus

@oct2pus @rgegriff

You need the silly little animation to go along with the stream. It's like some pavlovian response. It's not just the music, which I could rudimentarily copy, I need the character studying as well.

(Granted app that plays a looping gif + streams music seems pretty easy)

theruran 🌐🏴

@rgegriff so thats why Lofi Girl showed up on NewPipe with two videos each about 868 days long :blobwoah: the videos don't work, tho.

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