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#linux #question
Is there a good way to make a certain program to launch with a negative nice value? Running an infinite loop with seep, pgrep and renice does'n sound like a good solution. May be there is an extended attribute/kernel module/socket that sets nice value and may be other limits each time exec with SGID/SUID is triggered, or at least outputs something, so I can manually run renice on this event? My current solution is adding this line to sudoers:

vftdan ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /usr/bin/nice -n -4 /usr/bin/sudo -u vftdan /usr/bin/compton *


When I tried limits.conf it seemed only to be read for login shells. Using SGID + limits.conf would be the best solution, if it works; so I'll try once again

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