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Niki Tonsky

Maybe EDN would have a chance in the world if it was slightly simpler. As of today, it has:

- 8 types of numbers (ints, floats, big ints, big decimals, hex, octal, arbitrary radix and ratios)
- 4 types of strings (string, symbol, keyword, characters)
- 2 types of comments (;; and #_)
- 3 types of sequences (vectors, lists, sets)
- 2 types of maps (normal and namespaced)
- metadata
- extensions


Niki Tonsky

Compare it to JSON:

- 1 sequence type
- 1 map type
- 1 string type
- 2 types of numbers

IMO we should keep extensibility, comments and keywords and ditch everything else. Then we have a chance.


@nikitonsky json is popular because it is simple and for 95% of tasks more than it can do, is not needed. That is, the other formats will share 5% :)

Jack Rusher

@nikitonsky I would still want sets at the very least

Maksim Odnoletkov

@jack @nikitonsky sets would be too much semantics to handle in the data format..

Imagine {3, 3.000...01} could be set of one, two, or a an error on three different machines

Jack Rusher

@odnoletkov @nikitonsky Contrary data point: the data format he is discussing, EDN, has support for sets.

Niki Tonsky

@jack Maybe, I’m not sure what’s better: special syntax for them or just reader tag

Maksim Odnoletkov

@nikitonsky so what is missing in JSON then? Seems perfect.

Oh and I think there is just one type of a number


@odnoletkov @nikitonsky Trailing comma's and comments would be very nice when used for developers/users. Those are the main reasons I prefer TOML over JSON for things like configuration.

Niki Tonsky

@odnoletkov custom types and comments, as I mentioned

PointlessOne :loading:

@nikitonsky And every single one of them is underspecified enough to make it a source of a terrible bug exactly once a year in every system on the planet.


@nikitonsky I don’t think features are relevant for EDN’s lack of popularity

Niki Tonsky

@daveliepmann yeah, JSON being just “good enough” (tm) is probably the main reason


@nikitonsky genau. "Nobody gets fired buying IBM"

Evgeniy Latuhin

@nikitonsky Is it possible for you to share why do you think that complexity of EDN is a problem?
If it would be simpler it would be easier to use it?
If it would be simpler it would be easier for tool to have it as internal format and thus drive more adoption?

Niki Tonsky

@muhanga simpler format -> easier to write parser -> more implementations -> less friction -> more adoption


@nikitonsky Maybe EDN would have a chance in the world if Clojure was made a web standard and baked in to every web browser.

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