🔍 Описание
Фотография с изображением канала, проходящего через зеленую лужайку. На заднем плане виден холм, а над ним голубое небо с белыми облаками. На канале плывет лодка. В левой части фотографии виден текст, а в правом верхнем углу - небольшая картинка.
📝 Текст на картинке
My favourite mooring is on the lower section of the Stourbridge Canal, between Wordsley and Stourton Junction. It's a surprisingly secluded and peaceful 2 miles, where the Birmingham suburbs are instantly left behind and rolling countryside hides the noise of the city. Half a mile from Wordsley Junction there's a lovely, hilly greensward that looks like an old Windows XP desktop. I'm not sure if it's common land as it doesn't seem to be used for farming, the area is strewn with official footpaths and local people roam there regularly. It sweeps down from New Wood and gives moorers something rare - seclusion and an open vista at the same time. It's especially magical at sunset. This is real get-away-from-it-all territory.
Hugh Hercock
The Stourbridge Canal
near Prestwood.