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laen (lily's new name)

do y'all need a smooshie cat face today? because here's one.

#cat #cats #CatsOfMastodon

a beige-black-white cat with a rust-coloured patch above her salmon-coloured nose is asleep with her head resting on a black cotton blanket with white stripes on it. the blanket is on my lap, but i am buried under it and cat. all you can really see of her is her head, so maybe that's all there is?
behind her are some out-of-focus pieces of wooden furniture and a black television screen.
this was taken last year, but it seems necessary today somehow.
laen (lily's new name)

@kzeta cuteness therapy should be prescribed and covered on insurance!
thank you :BlobCat_Flower:

Steven Hoefer

@moonrabbit Thank you! They look very content in the smoosh.

laen (lily's new name)

@troublewithwords cats are masters of contentment when they want to be.

how's your day going? are you keeping the horrors at bay?

Steven Hoefer

@moonrabbit Horrors are all outside at the moment, and the door is locked.

I'm going to make brownies later so that when the horrors slip through, we can share brownies.

Steven Hoefer

@moonrabbit Although smoosh face pic is from last year, I hope you're finding some contentment in your day, with or without a smooshed face, whatever you prefer.



This is Exactly the view I have every morning as my Cat "Jack" lays squarely on my chest and waits for me to rise and open the can to feed Bunny & Him his morning meal.....He's my Buddy

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