Have you heard of a mineral called Ulexite?
The block itself has quite an interesting structure and looks translucent when polished but if you lay it down on a surface you suddenly can see a clear picture from what is underneath!
Have you heard of a mineral called Ulexite? 37 comments
I remember seeing those for sale at a science museum gift shop in San Antonio in the 80s. I've been wondering what it was!! @fesix actually i had heard of that @fesix Next day, next mineral mention, same rabbit hole. @fesix I have a very old and yellowed piece that was passed to me by my uncle when I was very young. That, a piece of pyrite, and a 1cm Herkimer diamond are my longest-held rocks. :) @fesix the Action Lab YouTube channel has a video showing it in action, for anyone interested. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1O56KD8nSvw&pp=ygUSYWN0aW9uIGxhYiB0diByb2Nr @fesix It looks so damn fake that I had to google it and yeah, the shit's real. Pretty cool stuff. 😄 @fesix ono, i want one now 😅 @fesix Searches popular online store for Ulexite. Gets hits for bibles and an “hour glass pickle jar juice separator”. 🙁❓😠 @fesix @fesix I hadn't, thank you - a quick search reveals it has the nickname "TV Rock" which seems quite appropriate 😁 |
@fesix oh wow thats amazing!