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Yarmo 🕊

I feel like making a side project to call out the pieces of software that do this unrespectful shit.


@yarmo My worst offender is Syncthing. Maybe its just me but for the life of me I can't figure out how it's supposed to work.

Every time i just want it to sync a folder from desktop to phone, it ends up creating brand new folders on both. Its so frustrating, and I just keep reminding myself " 😖big ooof but at least its free and open source" lol

Yarmo 🕊

@iridescentFluid in Syncthing's settings, you can set a default directory in which to place new synced folders. So while the default is "bad", it can be configured to your liking.

I say "bad" because you actually need easy access to Syncthing's data, that's its whole purpose. But I suppose ~/Documents/Sync or something would be a better default.


@yarmo I suppose I may be using it wrong, I really just want folder A to to have all the files folder B does. That is, I dont want new folders anywhere, I just want one folder to be a mirror of the other, like rsync.

I guess my biggest complaint is that the documentation is super confusing when all i really just want a quick and easy file transfer/sync app. It ends up being that each time i try to get that done, Syncthing just utterly confuses me since i didnt bother to memorize the GUI.


When you create a sharing, you can select the (existing) folder to share on your source device.
Then on the target device, when you accept the sharing, you can also select the (existing) folder in which you want the content to be synced.
I miss a browser to find these folders as you have to type /home/me/my/folder and use the auto-completion to find them. But it works (really great)!


@coq @yarmo When i was on KDE I used kdeconnect-cli for local file transfers. Are there any small cli apps for this you might know of? I've been trying to avoid pulling a bunch of K libraries on my current system, but I would like something simpler and more semantic than syncthing.


I heard KDE Connect has been ported on Gnome. That's all I known.


@yarmo I swear there was an XDG-related site that already tracked apps that violated the directory specifications, but I can't find it again.

edit: found it! it was actually the arch wiki

Lars Wirzenius

@yarmo One of the reasons I've not gone full XDG-reconfigure to get my home directory under control is the inevitable frustration when so little software would respect my configuration choices.

I'm getting too old for IT.


@yarmo Please do that! I'll happily contribute. What's the opposite of an "awesome list"…?

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