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Zen replied to Zen

what do you even call this pattern? a surveillance wall?

Zen replied to Zen

68. don’t assume your users’ devices resemble yours or your close circle of friends when deciding minimum requirements- especially if you intend to reach a wider audience with a range of socioeconomic conditions and internet connection speeds.

brought to you by the Australian government locking welfare payments behind a mininum iOS version.

Lien Rag replied to Zen

Tiens @Natouille tu considères ça aussi comme de l' #UXFail ?

Lien Rag replied to Natouille 🍷 🥃 🍾


Le dernier message avant le mien, "the Australian government locking welfare payments behind a mininum iOS version."

Zen replied to Zen

69. via Jan Niko @nihilazo

nothing a computer does should ever feel like magic. if something a computer does feels like magic, that's because it doesn't sufficiently inform you (the user) of what it is actually doing or allow you to create a mental model of the system

Zen replied to Zen

70. your ui should not passively animate for anything less important than a carbon monoxide leak.

it's effective at getting attention, often way too effective.

via @binarycat

Evelyn fra denne andre øya replied to Zen It's a fairly straightforward argument to make that this is illegal per GDPR too, data minimisation is a binding legal requirement and demanding people register when there's no actual necessity seems to contradict that

‏‏ ‏fedifriend (pride aspect) replied to Zen

@zensaiyuki Wow, they're like shop security asking you to buy something or leave. Except they also want you to open a loyalty account.

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