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Sominemo (moved) is an example of a project that embraces Discord as a forum. To get any reasonable community knowledge, you must join the server. And the server isn't indexable by search engines, of course.

It even recommends getting help in Discord when an error happens

Sominemo (moved)

Discord isn't a forum.

GitHub even has a Discussions feature in case you don't want to set up a forum.

It's just awful that the project has almost three times fewer stars and issues on GitHub combined than they have members on their closed Discord server.

Sominemo (moved)

Discord server:
- Isn't indexable by search engines
- Makes you go through some antispam bots
- Makes you join yet another server (number of which is limited)
- Creates unnecessary interactions, for example server admins that love doing @\everyone for no good reason
- ...

Sominemo (moved)

- The app is clunky and slow compared to a forum because it's not intended for this use
- Let's be honest, Discord's search is garbage, and advanced search engines can't help you

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