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Ténno Seremélʹ

Bonuses of having a source code: looked at what Emacs menu items do and made F6 toggle wrap and truncate lines, as I only use those two modes myself.

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(defun ts-toggle-wrap-truncate-lines ()
"Toggle between wrapping and truncating of lines."
(if visual-line-mode
(visual-line-mode 0)
(setq word-wrap nil)
(toggle-truncate-lines 1))
(visual-line-mode 1)))
(bind-key* "<f6>" 'ts-toggle-wrap-truncate-lines)

I might choose a different key later, but F6 is the only F-key I haven’t made into something yet, so it went there :blobcatcoffee:

#lang_en #emacs

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