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pretty fungi

why don't package managers use bittorrent (serious question)

pretty fungi

like, the thing that e.g. debian does to reduce load on the main package server is they have users pick a mirror that's geographically close to them

wouldn't it be better if you could download from all those mirrors at once and also from whatever users have the stuff you want cached

God Rattus of Vengeance

@agafnd isn't bit torrent a pretty inefficient protocol, though?

pretty fungi

@juliana perhaps! i don't really know. that could be a reason


ok I know nothing about this so this is a completely wild guess, but I assume bittorrent is a more complex protocol. since operating systems need to bootstrap themselves from nothing, it's probably easier to write a dependency-free http client than bittorrent?

alternative idea: maybe downloading 50+ files < 1MB each is a case where torrents perform poorly, and the overhead isn't worth it compared to http?

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