Today in Labor History October 27, 2006: U.S. anarchist activist and journalist, Brad Will, was murdered by a government-affiliated paramilitary while covering the teachers’ strike in Oaxaca, Mexico. He was affiliated with Indymedia. In the 1990s, he worked as a teaching assistant to Peter Lamborn Wilson (a.k.a. Hakim Bey). He later moved to a squat in New York’s Lower East Side. He once participated in a protest against a proposed amendment to the Colorado constitution that sought to curtail gay rights, by pretending to marry another man, dressed in drag, with a parade in front of a Promise Keepers event in Boulder, Colorado. He was also active in Earth First, pirate radio, and other causes.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #bradwill #oaxaca #union #teachers #strike #assassination #mexico #paramilitary #deathsquads #anarchism #pirateradio #earthfirst #lgbtq