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Dan Sugalski

I suspect, in the most cynical way I can muster (which, tbh, is *fantastically* and enthusiastically cynical) this is why upper management loves them so much and thinks they're awesome for summarizing emails -- the overwhelming majority of C-suite/VP+ level communication is performative and essentially information-free.

Paul (Tex) Hewson

@wordshaper I don't do cynicism, but there is an element of truth there. Don't pass details upwards, ever.

Dan Sugalski

@texhewson Luckily LLM summaries will tend to scrub those details out, so that's nice.

Josh Grant

@wordshaper I've wondered quite a bit that the exec suites overall are a major driver of LLM adoption because it appeals to them, specifically

Dan Sugalski

@joshin4colours I suspect there was some (probably unintentional) training of the LLMs to favor making executive suite folks happy. The model training does have some amount of directed feedback in them, so answers (and token weights) that appeal to decision makers will get reinforced as part of the feedback process with answers sounding not great to the C-suite getting negative reinforcement. covers this, more or less.

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