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Riley S. Faelan

@ics But how will Liechtenstein defend itself if the bloodthirsty Swiss navy should invade? :blobcatinnocent:

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard]

@adipoeserPursch @riley 🀣 - the question is can they commandeer the merchant fleet for defense purposes in case of another country attacking Switzerland by sea -- oh wait...

Riley S. Faelan

@ics What if another country attacks Switzerland by airships?

Also, Rhein reaches all the way to Switzerland. You probably can't sail a very big yacht all the way up there in the mountains, though.



πŸ˜‚ Hilarious but reasonable

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@ics I once drove past Liechtenstein, there was extremely localised rain as we went along it's borders. Then it stopped after we left.

I've never seen such localised heavy rain in my life. It was like a weather machine was turned on. Plus we couldn't find the local roads in to drive through it.

I'm kinda convinced it's latveria and the Prince of Liechtenstein is Doctor Doom

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard]

@onepict I usually joke that you have to start pushing the brakes long before you see the sign for it, otherwise you'll just drive past through it without having enough time to stop.

It probably is Latveria, I mean, it is a Principality, right?

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@ics yeah, I don't think think it's just wine they do. 🀣

Like is it even really in our dimension?

Grrrr, Darth Moose Shark

@onepict @ics there is a running thing about it being the source of fantasy and chaos in Genevieve Cogman's Invisible Library series πŸ˜‰

imdat celeste :v_tg: :v_nb: :v_genderfluid: [witchzard]

@grrrr_shark @onepict From Wikipedia: "more registered companies than inhabitants ..." - that says all: it is some kind of tax haven, so, yeah, Doctor Doom

Esther Payne :bisexual_flag:

@grrrr_shark @ics ooh that's something to add to the reading list.

Grrrr, Darth Moose Shark

@onepict @ics I spent a few days there once before they admitted COVID was already in Europe. *extremely* boring.

andreas, der tapfere

This is all the funnier when you consider that Liechtenstein is one of only two countries in the world that is double-landlocked. You have to cross at least two other countries to reach any seacoast.πŸ˜‚

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