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and the cat's in a crater cos he fell from the moon...

I see Dud people!

@catsalad "Dude, you need to lay off the catip!"

stephaniepixie 🏳️‍🌈

@catsalad Kitty has the funniest way of sleeping in nature 😂

Dawgeth | Matt | MTD

@catsalad This is how my wife finds me when I tell her I'm going out to mow the lawn.

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Purrfect photo for Caturday Eve, Catsalad. 🥥

Tuckers Nuts Resist😈!

🥥 Whar can Eye purchase seeds for lovely flowers like this one, Catsalad?
PS: Is the common name for this flower: "Garden Potato"?🥥

David G. Smith

@catsalad Huh. And here all this time I thought “cat’s cradle” was a game played with a loop of string. 🤦‍♂️'s_

Paul (Tex) Hewson

@catsalad I love the way domestication hasn't removed the whole "top of the foodchain / apex predator" attitude. Lions can do that on the Savannah because nothing will come along and eat them, and domestic cats do exactly the same.

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