@quinze @jcsteh @svenja I'd suspect a stalebot is more likely to nuke an issue related to accessibility simply because that takes longer to do, even should the dev actually be interested in it, and also because many of them, sometimes rightly even, prioritize otherthings over it, like critical bugs that break the program entirely. This intersects with the whole accessibility is not a feature thing of course so there's a whole range of views on the exact priority listing, but that's not as relevant for my point. You don't want users that need accessibility to be constantly flooding your issue asking for updates on something everybody, including them, knows will take a while. But if they don't, and you don't, then it's gone, and now it's out of sight, out of mind, closed issues are stupidly numerous, so if something goes there odds are you just won't look at it again.
@quinze @jcsteh @svenja That is, some kind of triage is useful, and the stalebot should straight-up ignore triaged issues! SO as long as someone is looking at the incoming issues and marks this as going to get done, the bot says OK, this issue shall stay open until you close it yourself.