38 comments | Expand all CWs
@AgathaSorceress it’s good that it’s at home cos it surely isn’t “safe for work” @AgathaSorceress @AgathaSorceress honestly if you put GND at the tip, VCC at the sleeve (not ring as I previously said), it's a perfectly cromulent connector, I'm here for it
@AgathaSorceress The infamous TRRRRRRRRRRRS plug. Make sure that puppy's plugged *all* the way in, or who knows where your data will end up.
@AgathaSorceress If the jack for this was possible you could encode like "amp configs" if you had a bunch of these with different segments opened to their neighbor or not. "plug in the scooped mids one" |
@AgathaSorceress nope nope nope nope nope